New Features for Sage 300
December 2020: Productivity Tools is made up of over 50 programs that add hundreds of features to Sage 300.
Click on the picture to the right
to see features for 1 of these programs, Extended Order Entry.
New Productivity Tools Features, 4th Quarter 2020:
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A/R: Display receipts entered against a customer invoice and applied to the customer's National Account.
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I/C: Kit Component Usage Inquiry lists kits where items appear as components, with drill down support.
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O/E: Display any number of customer optional fields, right on the order entry from.
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O/E: Force orders to have a PO number, either for all customers or for customers selected by an optional field.
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O/E & P/O: Import selection lists for Update Orders and 14 other programs that operate
on hundreds of orders, shipments, purchase orders and receipts.
you do not have to update Sage 300 to get all of these features ...
Productivity Tools is available for Sage 300 versions 5.6 through to 2021.